"Women that fix their eyes, with their full mouths they welcome, attract, seduce into a universe filled with color.”
Juan Carlos Breceda was born in Rosario, Sinaloa, Mexico, Dec 21st, 1956. He studied at the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Carving "La Esmeralda", and later furthered his studies in the Popular School of Fine Arts in Morelia, Michoacan. Breceda has been the recipient of many national prizes, including the 1997 National Contest of Drawing and Painting at the National Auditorium Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.

mixed media on paper 34.5 x 26.5 inches [framed]

watercolor on paper 26 x 22 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper 44 x 32 [framed]

mixed media on paper 44 x 32 [framed]

watercolor on paper

watercolor on paper

watercolor on paper

watercolor on paper

mixed media on paper

mixed media on paper

mixed media on paper

mixed media on paper

watercolor on paper

watercolor on paper

mixed media on paper

mixed media on paper

watercolor on paper

mixed media on paper

mixed media on paper 34.5 x 26.5 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper 44 x 32 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper 34.5 x 26.5 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper SOLD

mixed media on paper 28.5 x 48.5 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper 34.5 x 44 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper 345 x 26.5 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper 42 x 33.75 inches [framed]

mixed media on paper 34.5 x 26.5 inches [framed]

mixed on paper 34.5 x 26.5

mixed media on paper 44 x 32 inches framed